It was around 1965 and ideas were flying around for a new design. There was a theory that a scooped out “step” deck allowed for the nose to flex straight for noseriding and reduce the swing weight when turning. Well it rode so well it was almost like cheating! Thus the Cheater Model was born. The 1966 World Surfing Championships saw Steve Bigler take 4th place on a Harbour Cheater and since this model has been one of Harbour’s classic designs that has interestingly (with lots of back story) come in and out of production over the decades. After lots of requests and pleads we have once again brought back the Cheater model in honor of our 60th anniversary!
Introducing the Cheater 60! We poured over the details and dimensions of a ‘magic’ vintage cheater we have had in our possession and recreated it. Making a few updates, namely the placement of step deck. We felt the long step (scoop) posed an issue when paddling the board. The edge of the scoop cut right into your chest when paddling. So we shortened the step up a bit, pushed out the outline width to make a more balanced all around better paddling and riding board while maintaining the integrity of the original step deck design functionality. Thus we have refined all the magic in the new Cheater 60!
Parallel cedar stringers, signature foam tail block and a snazzy gloss polish finish with a a matte finish accentuating the step deck. Comes with a specially designed Cheater 60 Volan Glass fin. Offered clear or resin tints only.